Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Shortcuts Keyboard Sublime 3

Shortcuts Keyboard Sublime 3


F11Full Screen
shift + F11Distraction Free Mode
ctrl + shift + pCommand Palette
ctrl + `Show Console
ctrl + k + bShow/Hide Sidebar
ctrl + /Comment
ctrl + shift + /Block Comment
ctrl + k + uUppercase
ctrl + k + lLowercase


ctrl + dSelect Word
ctrl + dUse multiple times to select next instance of the selected word
ctrl + clickCreate multiple cursors for multi-editing
ctrl + shift + spaceExpand selection to scope. Repeating keeps expanding.
ctrl + shift + mExpand to brackets
ctrl + shift + jExpand to indentation

Go To

ctrl + pOpen file based on name
ctrl + gGo to line number
ctrl + rGo to symbol
ctrl + p THEN @Open file based on name and search for symbol
ctrl + mGo to matching bracket


ctrl + lSelect line
ctrl + shift + kDelete line
ctrl + ]Indent
ctrl + [Unindent
ctrl + enterInsert line after
ctrl + shift + enterInsert line before
ctrl + shift + ↑Swap line up
ctrl + shift + ↓Swap line down
ctrl + shift + dDuplicate line
ctrl + jJoin Line

Code Folding

ctrl + shift + [Fold
ctrl + shift + ]Unfold
ctrl + k + jUnfold All

Search / Find / Replace

ctrl + fFind
F3Find next
shift + F3Find previous
ctrl + shift + fSearch all files in a folder
ctrl + hReplace
ctrl + f THEN alt + enterFind a certain term then select them all for multi-editing

Tabs and Window Panes

ctrl + shift + nNew Window
ctrl + nNew Tab
alt + #Select a Tab (ie alt + 3)
ctrl + wClose Tab
ctrl + shift + #Move tab to a Pane (ie ctrl + shift + 2)
ctrl + #Focus on a Pane (ie ctrl + 2)
alt + shift + 1One Column
alt + shift + 2Two Columns
alt + shift + 3Three Columns
alt + shift + 4Four Columns
alt + shift + 8Two Rows
alt + shift + 9Three Rows
alt + shift + 5Two x Two Grid


ctrl + F2Create Bookmark
F2Next Bookmark
shift + F2Previous Bookmark
ctrl + shift + F2Clear Bookmarks

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