Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

TOAD ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when connecting to Oracle 12c

An issue  faced is that when we try to connect from TOAD (version: 11.6 ) to a newly upgraded Oracle database 12c we faced the error:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
TOAD Error Message ORA-01031
The reason we are facing this problem, is the newly security implementation by Oracle in 12c for the system privilege SELECT ANY DICTIONARY. They have stripped this system privilege from accessing the following tables:USER$, ENC$,DEFAULT_PWD$, LINK$, USER_HISTORY$, CDB_LOCAL_ADMINAUTH$, XS$VERIFIERS
The current TOAD version checks the old (SELECT ANY DICTIONARY) which already has this table SYS.USER$ part of its permissionwhen it can’t access this table, it throws the error message:  ORA-01031
The reason in 12c they stripped those tables from “SELECT ANY DICTIONARY” is to protect the passwords in case this privilege is granted to non-DBA account , so the hashed passwords are not exposed (ONLY SYS account can query those tables).
So, to let the current version of TOAD works for 12c execute the following sql query:
SQL> grant select on sys.user$ to database_account;
Hope This Helps😉

Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Shortcuts Keyboard Sublime 3

Shortcuts Keyboard Sublime 3


F11Full Screen
shift + F11Distraction Free Mode
ctrl + shift + pCommand Palette
ctrl + `Show Console
ctrl + k + bShow/Hide Sidebar
ctrl + /Comment
ctrl + shift + /Block Comment
ctrl + k + uUppercase
ctrl + k + lLowercase


ctrl + dSelect Word
ctrl + dUse multiple times to select next instance of the selected word
ctrl + clickCreate multiple cursors for multi-editing
ctrl + shift + spaceExpand selection to scope. Repeating keeps expanding.
ctrl + shift + mExpand to brackets
ctrl + shift + jExpand to indentation

Go To

ctrl + pOpen file based on name
ctrl + gGo to line number
ctrl + rGo to symbol
ctrl + p THEN @Open file based on name and search for symbol
ctrl + mGo to matching bracket


ctrl + lSelect line
ctrl + shift + kDelete line
ctrl + ]Indent
ctrl + [Unindent
ctrl + enterInsert line after
ctrl + shift + enterInsert line before
ctrl + shift + ↑Swap line up
ctrl + shift + ↓Swap line down
ctrl + shift + dDuplicate line
ctrl + jJoin Line

Code Folding

ctrl + shift + [Fold
ctrl + shift + ]Unfold
ctrl + k + jUnfold All

Search / Find / Replace

ctrl + fFind
F3Find next
shift + F3Find previous
ctrl + shift + fSearch all files in a folder
ctrl + hReplace
ctrl + f THEN alt + enterFind a certain term then select them all for multi-editing

Tabs and Window Panes

ctrl + shift + nNew Window
ctrl + nNew Tab
alt + #Select a Tab (ie alt + 3)
ctrl + wClose Tab
ctrl + shift + #Move tab to a Pane (ie ctrl + shift + 2)
ctrl + #Focus on a Pane (ie ctrl + 2)
alt + shift + 1One Column
alt + shift + 2Two Columns
alt + shift + 3Three Columns
alt + shift + 4Four Columns
alt + shift + 8Two Rows
alt + shift + 9Three Rows
alt + shift + 5Two x Two Grid


ctrl + F2Create Bookmark
F2Next Bookmark
shift + F2Previous Bookmark
ctrl + shift + F2Clear Bookmarks